Designer 10.5 | Web Services Stack Help | Managing Web Service Packages | Creating Web Service Packages | Using the Web Services Stack Package Builder
Using the Web Services Stack Package Builder
The Web Services Stack Designer plug-in has its own Web Services Stack Package builder, similar to the Java builders. The builder stores some metadata information in a hidden folder, called .wsstack. Every time a package is deleted or any of the files within the Java project are modified, the builder recreates the package. For example, if a Java class that is part of a package is modified and saved, the Java builder recreates the corresponding class file, and the Web Services Stack Package builder recreates the package with the new class file. To deactivate the builder for the particular project, right-click and select Properties > Builders.
If a file, which is part of a Web service package, is deleted, renamed, or moved, the Web Services Stack Package builder asks you if you want to keep the file in the package.
*If you decide to keep it, the file is copied to the corresponding temporary WSS directory, and you can rebuild the package.
*If you decide not to keep it, the file is removed from the package.
If you keep the file in the temporary directory, and then you add a new file with the same name to the project, the build process allows you to add the new or the restored file to the Web service package. The old file is kept in the package and it is removed from the temporary directory.
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