Designer 10.5 | Web Services Stack Help | Deploying and Undeploying Web Service Packages | Deploying Web Service Packages
Deploying Web Service Packages
You can deploy Web service packages using the Web Services Stack Designer plug-in.
*To deploy a Web service package
1. In Designer, open the Project Explorer view.
2. To specify the Web service package that you want to deploy, do one of the following:
*Right-click the Web service package.
*Right-click the Java project that contains the Web service package.
3. On the context menu, select Web Services Stack > Deploy Web Services Package.
The Software AG Web Services Stack wizard opens.
4. Provide the following information:
The location to which you deploy your Web service package. The default value is localhost-10010.
The location of the Web Services Stack deploy servlet. The default deploy servlet location is http://<host_name>:<port_number>/wsstack/sagdeployer.
The username for the required authentication credentials. The default value is admin.
The password for the required authentication credentials. The default value is manage.
For more information about modifying the user name and password, go to Software AG Documentation Website > webMethods Product Suite > webMethods Product Suite [version] > Documentation by Product > Web Services Stack.
5. Complete the deployment process by doing one of the following:
*If you started the wizard on a Web service package, click Finish.
*If you started the wizard on a Java project, click Next, select the Web service package you want to deploy, and click Finish.
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