Designer 10.5 | Software AG Digital Event Services Help | Working with the Event Generator | Creating a Digital Event Generator Run Configuration | Publishing Events to Destination Services
Publishing Events to Destination Services
You can use the Event Generator to emit events to a destination service where your application listens for the event types you associated with the Event Generator.
*To publish events to destination services
1. In the Digital Events Development perspective, navigate to Run > Run Configurations > Digital Event Generator > event_generator_project_name.
2. On the Main tab of the Run Configurations wizard, select Publish events on destination services.
3. Optionally, under Duration, specify for how long the Event Generator emits events. Select one of the following options:
*Infinite - Default. The Event Generator emits events until you stop it by clicking Close Event Generator Console in the Event Generator console.
*Duration - A period of time in seconds during which the Event Generator emits events.
*Number of events - The number of events the Event Generator emits before it stops.
4. On the Routing tab, select one of the following options to specify the location of the destination service:
*Use Universal Messaging service - select this option to publish events to a single Universal Messaging server.
In the Provider URL field, specify the host and port of the Universal Messaging server. The default value is nsp://localhost:9000.
*Use external configuration - select this option to publish events to a messaging service in the configuration of another product that uses Digital Event Services (DES).
In the Configuration location field, specify the configuration folder of DES in the runtime where DES is embedded. The configuration folder you specify must contain a subfolder named DigitalEventServices.
DES configurations for Software AG OSGi runtimes are located in Software AG_directory \profiles\profile_name\configuration.
5. Click Run.