Designer 10.5 | webMethods Mobile Development | Creating Business Logic for a Mobile Application | Common Methods to Override in the Generated Code for a View
Common Methods to Override in the Generated Code for a View
When you generate sources for a mobile project, Mobile Development generates a Java class named, where view_name is the name you assigned to the view. The file resides in the src.package_name.ui.controller.impl package, where package_name is the package name you specified for your mobile project.
Mobile Development provides a set of methods for the controller implementation that represents the view's life-cycle. These methods are starting points for defining the custom business logic.
This method is executed after the view is created, but before the application transitions to the view. Add logic to this method if you want to customize the view, for example to add or remove controls.
This method is executed before transitioning from the current view to another view. Add logic to this method if you want to take action before the view is removed, for example, to save data.
This method is executed when a user presses a button, (an AlertDialogButton object) in an alert dialog (an AlertDialog) object. The method is passed the identifier that you specify in the AlertDialogButton object’s Id property so that your logic can determine the button the user selected. Add logic to this method to perform the actions you want to take when a user presses a button.
This method is executed when a user presses the view’s Back button. By default, applications you create using Mobile Development use the provided TransitionStackController, and as a result, the default behavior is to transition back to the previous view, if any. Add logic to this method if you want to override this default Back button behavior. For more information about the TransitionStackController, see About the TransitionStackController.
This method is executed when the view is about to be displayed for all views except the first view, which does not have a Back button. By default, applications you create using Mobile Development use the provided TransitionStackController, and as a result, the default behavior is that the view is created with a Back button. Use this method to hide the Back button if you do not want the view to have a Back button.
If your application does not use the TransitionStackController, views do not automatically have a Back button. You manually add a Back button to the view using the addBackButton() method.
For more information about the TransitionStackController, see About the TransitionStackController.
This method is executed when adding the Back button to the view. By default, applications you create using Mobile Development use the provided TransitionStackController, and as a result, the default behavior is to use the header text of the previous view on the Back button. Use this method to override the text used on the Back button, for example, to change the text to simply “Back”.
This method receives control when a user-initiated event occurs for any control in the view. Add logic to this method if you want to override event handling.
You have to call the super method so that the default event implementations are not disabled:
public void nUIEventCallback() {
This method is about to be executed when the controller tries to update the modeled bindings. This method is executed after all parts of the view have been created. All user interface elements for the view will be created at execution time.
This method is called after onUIViewDisplay#onUISynced() is called by the platforms UI layer. This is typically the case after the elements within the view are arranged or changes on the elements are applied. When this method is called, it is save to get all absolute dimensions for the view or the containing UI elements.
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