Designer 10.5 | webMethods BPM Process Development Help | Process Engine Services | Summary of Elements in the WmPRT\pub Folder |
WmPRT. Document type that describes information maintained for roles in a process.
The following table lists the parameters.
String Trading Networks internal ID of this trading partner.
String Corporation name that is specified in the Trading Networks profile for this trading partner.
String Organizational unit name that is specified in the Trading Networks profile for this trading partner.
String The type of software the partner uses to connect to the trading network. The following values apply:
*TNServer — The partner is using webMethods Trading Networks.
*TNPartner — The partner is using webMethods for Partners.
*Browser — The partner is using a Web browser.
*Other — The partner is using some other method.
String Status (active or inactive) of the Trading Networks profile for this trading partner.
String The delivery protocol that the partner prefers you to use when sending documents to it. The following values apply:
*ftp1 - The partner prefers documents sent using the primary FTP protocol.
*ftp2 - The partner prefers documents sent using the secondary FTP protocol.
*http1 - The partner prefers documents sent using the primary HTTP protocol.
*http2 - The partner prefers documents sent using the secondary HTTP protocol.
*https1 - The partner prefers documents sent using the primary HTTPS protocol.
*https2 - The partner prefers documents sent using the secondary HTTPS protocol.
*smtp1 - The partner prefers documents sent using the primary e-mail protocol.
*smtp2 - The partner prefers documents sent using the secondary e-mail protocol.
*null - The partner prefers documents sent using the polling protocol.
String Locale associated with the last transmission from this trading partner. Whenever a document is received from this trading partner, this field is updated with the locale information specified in the transmission. For example, if the trading partner uses HTTP to post an XML document to a Trading Networks server and specifies the "ja_JA" locale in the HTTP transmission, this field will contain ja_JA.