Designer 10.5 | webMethods BPM Process Development Help | Process Development Views | About Process Development Views | About the Package Navigator View
About the Package Navigator View
Displaying Generated Flow Services in the Package Navigator View
The Package Navigator view is shown by default in the Process Development perspective (in both Business Analyst and Process Developer modes). You use the Package Navigator view to access assets on one or more Integration Servers. From here, you can drag documents and services onto the process editor for use in your process. You can drop documents and services onto existing steps, or directly onto the process editor's canvas.
When an Integration Server connection is required but not available, Designer prompts you to connect. If no Integration Server is configured, Designer prompts you to configure one so you can connect to it.
When you select an asset in the Package Navigator view, Designer displays information about it in the Properties view.
When you drag a document from the Package Navigator onto the process editor, Designer automatically creates a receive step in the process. If you have enabled the preference to Automatically add inputs / outputs to steps created using drag and drop (Window > Preferences > Software AG  >  Process Development  > Appearance), Designer sets the output of the receive step as well.
If you drag a second document from the Package Navigator onto an existing receive step that already has an assigned output, Designer retains the previously set output and adds the second output from the second document.
If you drag an asynchronous publish or asynchronous send adapter notification document type from the Package Navigator onto the process editor, Designer automatically creates a receive step in the process.
You cannot drag a synchronous publish and wait adapter notification document type from the Package Navigator directly onto the process editor. To create a synchronous request, create a receive step and then drag and drop the synchronous publish and wait request document onto the step. Similarly, to create a synchronous reply, create a reply step and then drag and drop the synchronous publish and wait reply document onto the step. A synchronous publish and wait adapter notification requires both the request and the reply.
If you close the Package Navigator view and want to reopen it, click Window > Show View > Package navigator icon Package Navigator. For more information about the Package Navigator view, see webMethods Service Development Help.
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