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Importing XPDL Processes
You can import XPDL processes into Designer. Designer supports XPDL 2.2, which is backward-compatible with XPDL 2.1, 2.0. and 1.0.
Designer can format imported XPDL processes to match that of the tools used to create them, such as ARIS Architectand Fujitsu's Interstage. It can create single or multiple Designer process models from imported XPDL containing multiple WorkflowProcess elements, and can create one or more process simulations directly from imported XPDL files that contain simulation information. Designer checks for duplicate step names during the import process, automatically incrementing each duplicate by 1 (Step, Step1, Step2, and so on).
When you manually import XPDL from ARIS, you can select Export to be used by ARIS tools. This configures the XPDL to use workspace references for call activity child processes, rather than the child processes themselves. This allows simultaneous editing of the child processes and the parent process, and is selected by default when importing from the ARIS Tasks view. When using this option, first import the child processes to your workspace, and then import the parent process.
Note:Designer's layout of imported XPDL files is dependent upon the information contained therein. There are a great number of tool-specific layout options; Designer uses the available information in the file to create its best approximation of the original tool's layout. Some tool-specific formats, such as extended attributes, cannot be used for conversion. When information is not present in the import file or cannot be used for conversion, Designer creates the process layout based on its auto-layout feature.
The Designer Process Simulation feature must be installed to create a process simulation. See webMethods BPM Process Simulation Help.
Import status is displayed during the import process, and includes information about the import progress and resulting files and artifacts being generated. The full import details are presented as a final report when the import process is complete, and can be exported to a file. The report includes the following information:
*List of generated artifacts
*Process simulations
*Integration Server documents with their fully-qualified names
*Informational messages
*XPDL data objects to which generated Integration Server documents correspond
*Process simulation resources created and their corresponding scenarios/steps
*Process models replaced as a result of the import
*Web service connectors and the process model steps referencing them
*Import errors
*To import an XPDL process
1. In Designer: File > Import > Software AG  > Process icon XPDL File.
2. In the Import window, click Next.
3. In the XPDL Import Wizard window, do the following:
a. Click the Browse button to navigate to the XPDL file you want to import. In the Open window, click Open to select the file and populate the Select file field.
b. From the Select process project list, select an existing process project into which to import the XPDL file. If you want to create a new process project for the XPDL file, click New Project to open the New Process Project window.
For instructions on creating a new process project, see Creating Process Projects.
c. Optionally, edit the name of the process resulting from the XPDL import in the Process name field.
d. From the Select an Integration Server list, select an Integration Server that will serve as the server for the steps in the imported process, and where the imported XPDL that refers to data will be located. If you need to configure Integration Servers, click the Configure Integration Server s link to open the Integration Servers preferences page. See Integration Servers Preferences in webMethods Service Development Help.
When an Integration Server connection is required but not available, Designer prompts you to connect. If no Integration Server is configured, Designer prompts you to configure one so you can connect to it.
e. If the XPDL you are importing contains multiple WorkflowProcess constructs, Designer combines them all into a single process by default. The Create a single process model from multiple XPDL WorkflowProcess constructs check box is automatically selected. You can clear the check box if you do not want Designer to create a single process from multiple WorkflowProcess constructs.
To create a single process design for multiple XPDL WorkflowProcess constructs, each WorkflowProcess must be mapped to a pool in the XPDL with a valid Process attribute (Process ID). Additionally, each pool must have specified size and coordinates. If these conditions are not satisfied, Designer creates multiple Designer process files, as this is its default behavior. When this situation occurs, the event is recorded in the Import Log.
If you clear the Create a single process model from multiple XPDL WorkflowProcess constructs check box, importing XPDL files containing multiple WorkflowProcess constructs results in multiple Designer processes (.process files). Importing XPDL files containing multiple WorkflowProcess constructs that contain activities with SimulationInformation results in multiple Designer simulations (.simulation files). Multiple imported processes or simulations are automatically named based on identifying information (Name or ID) of the WorkflowProcess constructs in the XPDL.
When you manually import XPDL from ARIS, you can select Export to be used by ARIS tools This configures the XPDL to use workspace references for call activity child processes, rather than the child processes themselves. This allows simultaneous editing of the child processes and the parent process, and is selected by default when importing from the ARIS Tasks view. When using this option, first import the child processes to your workspace, and then import the parent process.
f. If Export to be used by ARIS tools is selected and the XPDL being imported contains call activities that refer to child processes, Designer checks for the presence of these child processes in the Designer workspace. If they exist, the log reflects this fact and the import continues. If the referenced child processes do not exist in the workspace, Designer alerts you of this and lists these child processes. You must import them before importing the parent process. Click Cancel to stop the import wizard, then Accept Task and Import each child process listed.
g. Designer checks for duplicate step names during the import process, automatically incrementing each duplicate by 1 (Step, Step1, Step2, and so on). This protects against build errors due to duplicate step names. If you do not want your duplicate step names changed, clear the Enforce Step Name Uniqueness check box, which is selected by default. Click Next.
h. If the XPDL you are importing contains inputs/outputs, Designer displays the Inputs and Outputs window. Do the following:
a. To create Integration Server documents, select the Create Integration Server Documents check box in the Inputs / Outputs section. This enables you to create Integration Server documents for the DataObjects selected in the table. If the XPDL does not contain any data to be mapped to Integration Server documents, the Inputs / Outputs section is not enabled.
b. The table displays the information listed in the table below:
A DataObject is an XPDL element that contains one or more DataField elements. A DataObject can contain internally defined DataFields, such as Strings and Numbers, or DataFields that refer to Complex XML Data Types defined in schema definitions (XSDs).
Name of the externally referenced data as used in the XPDL file being imported. A DataField is a child of a DataObject.
External Document URL
The URL of the XSD (schema definition) where the Complex XML Data Type (data definition) resides
Select the check box to create the Integration Server document for the DataObject in the same row.
You can also use the Select All and Clear All buttons to select or clear all the check boxes in the table at once.
c. Click Finish
i. If you selected DataObjects from which to create Integration Server documents, you must specify their creation location (or locations). The Create a New Document Type window is pre-populated with Server, URL, and Element name values. You can edit the Element name in the text box.
The table below describes these values, along with Package and Folder.
The Integration Server selected on the Inputs / Outputs page of the wizard. If no selection is made, Default is displayed to represent the default Integration Server.
The address of the selected Server
The Integration Server package containing the folder where you create the new Integration Server document
The folder where you create the new Integration Server document
Element name
The default Element name is based on the corresponding DataObject on the Inputs / Outputs page of the wizard. You can edit this name.
j. Expand the Integration Server tree to select the target folder for the new Integration Server document and populate the Package and Folder fields.
A valid package containing a valid folder must exist before you can select them. You cannot create a new package or folder in the Create a New Document Type window.
k. Click Finish to create the new Integration Server document.
If you click Next in the Create a New Document Type window, you can select a source for your Integration Server document in the Select a Source window. These options are pre-selected based on the data type being imported. Internally defined data types select None, which is the default option. Externally referenced data types select XML Schema and also display the External Document URL. If you click Finish, you bypass the viewing of these pre-selected options.
l. If you are creating multiple Integration Server documents, populate the Package and Folder fields, and optionally edit the Element name in the Create a New Document Type window for each one. Then click Finish.
m. If the XPDL being imported has been edited using multiple tools, you must choose the tool whose layout you want to import. In the Select Tool ID section of the XPDL Layout window, click the Select layout list to see the available options and select the one you want. These options are dependent upon the information in the XPDL file. Click Next.
n. If the XPDL being imported contains simulation information, and you have the Designer Process Simulation feature installed, you can create one or more process simulations (.simulation files) from the import as well.
a. If the import wizard finds simulation information, it displays the Create Simulation window with the option to Create simulation already selected.
b. If the import wizard finds information for a single simulation, the Simulation Name field is populated with the same name entered for the Process name in the XPDL Import Wizard window. You can edit the process simulation name without affecting the process name. If the import wizard finds information for multiple simulations, the resulting .simulation files are automatically named based on identifying information (Name or ID) of the WorkflowProcess constructs in the XPDL.
c. If you do not wish to create any process simulations, clear the Create simulation check box.
o. If the XPDL being imported contains references to Web Services that implement activities, Designer displays the Web Service Descriptors page of the wizard. For each Web Service Descriptor (WSD) you want to use, click to select the browse button in the Run WSC wizard column in the row that contains it.
Restrictions apply concerning CentraSite predefined services. For more information, see Avoiding CentraSite Predefined Services for Import/Export.
p. Designer searches for pre-existing matching Web Service Descriptors automatically. If a WSDL has already been imported as a part of this or another process, Designer locates it. If any are found, Designer displays the Select Web Service Connector page of the wizard.
q. On the Select Web Service Connector page, do one of the following:
*If you find a WSC you want to use, click to select it and then click OK to return to the Web Service Descriptors page of the wizard.
*If you do not find a WSC you want to use, click Cancel to create a new Web Service Descriptor.
r. If you click Cancel to create a new Web Service Descriptor (WSD), Designer displays the New Web Service Descriptor page of the wizard. Provide the information listed in the table below to create a new WSD:
Integration Server Name, or Default for the defined default Integration Server
Integration Server URL
Integration Server package name
Select the parent namespace from the Integration Server tree
Element name
New Web Service Descriptor (WSD) name
s. Click Finish to create the new WSD. If you click Cancel, no WSD is created, and no WSC is assigned to the XPDL activity.
4. Designer checks for duplicate step names during the import process, automatically incrementing each duplicate by 1 (Step, Step1, Step2, and so on). This protects against build errors due to duplicate step names. If you do not want your step names changed, clear the Enforce Step Name Uniqueness check box, which is selected by default.
5. Click Finish to start the import.
6. The Progress Information window displays the import progress, and prompts you to overwrite existing resources when duplicate file names exist. When the import is complete, click Save to save the import report to a file (*.txt). This action opens the Save As window, where you can specify a file name and location for the report.
7. Click Close to close the Progress Information window. Designer automatically opens all processes (.process files) created from the imported XPDL. Simulations (.simulation files) do not open automatically. You can open them in the Solutions view.
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