Designer 10.5 | webMethods BPM Process Development Help | Working with CentraSite Metadata for BPM and CAF Assets | About the Search View
About the Search View
Related Assets
Showing Asset References and Dependencies
The Search view is a standard Eclipse view. Designer displays the results of a search in the Search view.
Search results do not display referenced assets. To see what an asset depends on, click Show Dependencies. To see what an asset refers to, click Show References.
When you choose to show references or dependencies in the Solutions or Registry Explorer view, the results are shown in the Search view.
The table below lists the actions you can take from the Search view.
View dependencies of an asset
Right-click a row in the Search view.
Select Show Dependencies > Dependencies in CentraSite icon In CentraSite or Show Dependencies > Dependencies in workspace icon In Workspace.
Because Designer uses metadata to determine dependent assets, if you have set your Designer preferences to disable workspace indexing, the Search view might not list all dependencies. For more information, see webMethods BPM and CAF Workspace Metadata Help.
View references of an asset
Right-click a row in the Search view.
Select Show References > References in CentraSite icon In CentraSite or Show References > References in workspace icon In Workspace.
Because Designer uses metadata to determine referenced assets, if you have set your Designer preferences to disable workspace indexing, the Search view might not list all references. For more information, see webMethods BPM and CAF Workspace Metadata Help.
Add an item in the search results to the process editor's canvas
Select a row in the search results and drag it on to the process editor's canvas.
*The item in the search result must be appropriate for the type of asset on the canvas for the drag and drop to succeed.
*When you use an asset from CentraSite, you are creating a reference to that asset. You are not including the asset itself in your project or solution, but rather, you are referencing the asset based on its metadata in CentraSite. CentraSite assets show CentraSite icon CentraSite in the Store column.
Show next match icon Show Next Match
Selects the next item in the search results.
Show previous match icon Show Previous Match
Selects the previous item in the search results.
Remove selected matches icon Remove Selected Matches
Removes the currently selected matches from the Search view. Select one, or CTRL + click to select multiple matches.
Remove all matches icon Remove All Matches
Removes all matches currently shown in the Search view.
Run the current search again icon Run the Current Search Again
Repeats the current search to reflect changes to results.
Cancel current search icon Cancel Current Search
Cancels the current search.
Show previous searches icon Show Previous Searches
Browse previously conducted searches and repeat a previous search. Shows previous searches and allows you to select one.
Select Previous searches menu icon Show Previous Searches Menu to see a list of the most recent searches. Select one to run again.
Select Previous searches menu icon Show Previous Searches Menu > History to see the history of your previous searches.
Select Previous searches menu icon Show Previous Searches Menu > Clear History to remove all previous search history information, including the one currently displayed.
Pin the search view icon Pin the Search View
Pinning the Search view means that subsequent searches display results in another Search view, leaving the pinned view and its results unchanged.
Designer displays the Search view automatically when you execute a search. If you close the Search view and want to reopen it, click Window > Show View > General > Search icon Search.