Designer 10.5 | webMethods CAF and OpenUI Development | Getting Started with webMethods OpenUI Shell Page Development | Modifying an OpenUI Shell Custom Application Page
Modifying an OpenUI Shell Custom Application Page
Use the following procedure to modify an OpenUI Shell custom application page.
*To modify a custom application page with default framing or empty framing
1. Create an OpenUI Shell page project. For more information about how to create a project, see  Creating an OpenUI Shell Page Project.
2. In the Page Options wizard, specify values for the following fields:
Description and Value
Page purpose
The purpose of the page. Select Custom application page.
The file name of the xhtml page that Designer generates. Specify a simple file name, for example WebContent/page1.xhtml, or a unique path in the project, for example WebContent/folder1/page.xhtml. The default value is WebContent/page.xhtml.
Initial content
The initial content of the page. Select one of the following options:
*Default custom shell page templates, if the default templates are enabled on the Preferences > Software AG > UI Development > Templates page. Values are:
*shell_default. Creates a page that uses the default My webMethods Server shell sections: header, footer, leftnav, and rightnav.
*shell_empty. Creates an empty page.
*Any user-created custom page templates with a shell context that are enabled on the Templates page.
*Pre-defined shell page options. Values are:
*Page with default framing. Creates a page that uses the default My webMethods Server shell sections: header, footer, leftnav, and rightnav.
*Page with empty framing. Creates an empty page.
Parent shell alias
The alias of the parent shell to use for creating your OpenUI shell. Select one of the following shells, or type the alias of another existing shell:
*shell.noodle - This is the default value.
The OpenUI shell initially inherits all properties of the parent shell. You can replace any inherited property with a new, custom property.
Associated folder in MWS
The root My webMethods Server folder that your OpenUI shell should be mapped to. Select one of the following options and specify values for the fields as required:
*Create a new folder in MWS - Creates a new folder to contain the pages that your shell will render.
*Parent folder alias - the alias of the parent folder in the My webMethods Server content repository in which the new folder will be created. The default parent folder alias is folder.custom.apps. You can specify any custom alias for the parent folder.
*New folder name - The name of the new folder. By default, the folder name is the same as the OpenUI Shell page project name.
If you specify a folder name that is different from the OpenUI Shell project name, make sure that the name is unique in the system.
*Create a new webspace - Specify whether to create a new webspace for the folder.
*Webspace alias - the alias of the new webspace. By default the alias is the same as the OpenUI Shell project name.
If you specify a webspace name that is different from the OpenUI Shell project name, make sure that the name is unique in the system.
*Use an existing folder - Uses an existing folder to contain the pages that the OpenUI shell will render.
*Existing folder alias - The alias of the existing folder with which to associate the shell.
If you do not specify a value for an option, Designer creates the page with the default value for the option.
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