Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Working with GraphQL Descriptors | Understanding the GraphQL Terminology
Understanding the GraphQL Terminology
Before creating a GraphQL descriptor, you may find it helpful to first understand the following terminology related to GraphQL support in Integration Server.
*Query: A query operation to fetch the data from server.
*Mutation: A write operation on the data followed by a fetch.
*Subscription: Operation that supports the client to get pushed updates from the server.
*Scalar type: Scalar types represent primitive leaf values in a GraphQL type system.
*Object type: Object types represent a list of named fields and their arguments, each of which yield a value of a specific type.
*Interface type: Interface type represents a list of named fields and their arguments. Interface is like an object and can be implemented by multiple object types.
*Union type: Union types represent an object that could be one of a list of GraphQL object types.
*Input object type: Input object types define a set of input fields. The input fields are either scalars, enums, or other input objects.
*Enum type: Enum types are like scalar types that represent the leaf values in a GraphQL type system.
*Data resolvers: Data resolvers fetch the data from the data source for a field of a GraphQL operation.
*Type resolvers: GraphQL uses the type resolvers to resolve the actual type during run time. This is specific to interface and union data types.