Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Working with Web Services | Working with Binders | Assigning a Web Service Endpoint Alias to a Binder
Assigning a Web Service Endpoint Alias to a Binder
You can associate a web service endpoint alias with a binder in a provider or consumer web service descriptor. A web service endpoint alias represents the network address and, optionally, any security credentials to be used with web services. The network address properties can be used to enable dynamic addressing for web services. The security credentials can be used to control both transport-level and message-level security for web services.
For a consumer web service descriptor and its associated web service connectors (WSC), the alias information (including the addressing information and any security credentials), is used at run time to generate a request and invoke an operation of the web service. For web service connectors behind a firewall, the endpoint alias also specifies the proxy alias for the proxy server through which Integration Server routes the web service request. For more information about proxy server usage, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
For a provider web service descriptor, the endpoint alias is used to construct the “location=” attribute of the soap:address element within the wsdl:port element when WSDL is requested for the web service. The security credentials may be used when constructing a response to a web service request.
For information about creating a web service endpoint alias, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
*To assign a web service endpoint alias to a binder
1. In the Package Navigator view in the Service Development perspective, open and lock the web service descriptor to which you want to associate the web service endpoint alias.
2. In the Binders tab, select the binder to which you want to assign an endpoint alias.
3. In the Properties view, next to the Port alias property, select the web service endpoint alias that you want to associate with the web service descriptor. Designer lists only those endpoint aliases of the same type as the web service descriptor and whose protocol matches the binder protocol. If there have been changes to the web service endpoint aliases since you connected Designer to Integration Server, use Designer to refresh the connection to Integration Server.
If this is a provider web service and the binder protocol is HTTP or HTTPS, you can assign the default provider endpoint alias to the binder. Select DEFAULT(aliasName) if you want to use the information in the default provider web service endpoint alias for the address. If the Alias list includes a blank row, Integration Server does not have a default provider web service endpoint alias for the protocol.
If you select the blank row and a default provider endpoint alias is later set for the selected protocol, Integration Server then uses the information from the alias when constructing the WSDL document and during run-time processing.
4. Click File > Save.
*When the Port alias property is modified for a consumer web service descriptor and the web service descriptor is viewed on the WSDL tab, the generated WSDL does not reflect the change to the port alias. However, the new value will be used at run-time.
*After assigning an alias to a JMS binder in a provider web service descriptor, if the web service endpoint alias specifies a SOAP-JMS trigger, the web service descriptor has a dependency on the SOAP-JMS trigger. Consequently, at start up or when reloading the package containing the web service descriptor, Integration Server must load the SOAP-JMS trigger before loading the web service descriptor. If the SOAP-JMS trigger and web service descriptor are not in the same package, you need to create a package dependency. The package that contains the web service descriptor must have a dependency on the package that contains the SOAP-JMS trigger.