Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Working with Schemas | Creating an IS Schema
Creating an IS Schema
Creating an IS Schema from XML Schemas that Reference Other Schemas
You can create IS schemas from XML schema definitions, DTDs, and XML documents that reference an existing DTD. The resulting IS schema contains all of the defined types, declared elements, and declared attributes from the source file.
You can create an IS schema from an XML Schema definition in CentraSite. To do so, Designer must be configured to connect to CentraSite.
*To create an IS schema
1. In the Package Navigator view of the Service Development perspective, click File > New > Schema.
2. In the New Schema dialog box, select the folder in which you want to save the IS document type.
3. In the Element Name field, type a name for the IS document type using any combination of letters, numbers, and/or the underscore character. For information about restricted characters, see About Element Names.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Select the Source Type panel, do one of the following:
Create an IS schema based on an existing DTD referenced by an XML document.
You can create an IS schema from an XML document only if the XML document references an existing DTD.
Create an IS schema based on a DTD.
XML Schema
Create an IS schema based on an XML schema definition.
6. On the Select a Source Location panel, under Source location, do one of the following to specify the source file for the IS schema:
*To use an XML schema definition in CentraSite as the source, select CentraSite.
*To use an XML document, DTD, or XML schema definition that resides on the Internet as the source, select File/URL. Then, type the URL of the resource. (The URL you specify must begin with http: or https:.)
*To use an XML document, DTD, or XML Schema definition that resides on your local file system as the source, select File/URL. Then, type in the path and file name, or click the Browse button to navigate to and select the file.
7. Click Next.
8. If you selected CentraSite as the source, under Select XML Schema from CentraSite, select the XML Schema definition in CentraSite that you want to use to create the IS schema. Click Next.
If Designer is not configured to connect to CentraSite, Designer displays the CentraSite > Connections preference page and prompts you to configure a connection to CentraSite.
You can also create an IS schema from an XML Schema definition asset in CentraSite by dragging and dropping the schema asset from the Registry Explorer view into Package Navigator view.
9. If the source file is an XML Schema definition, on the Select Schema Domain panel, under Schema domain, specify the schema domain to which any generated IS schemas will belong. Do one of the following:
*To add the IS schema to the default schema domain, select Use default schema domain.
*To add the IS schemas to a specified schema domain, select Use specified schema domain and provide the name of the schema domain in the text box. A valid schema domain name is any combination of letters, numbers, and/or the underscore character. For information about restricted characters, see About Element Names.
For more information about schema domains, see About Schema Domains.
10. If the source file is an XML Schema definition and you want Integration Server to use the Xerces Java parser to validate the XML Schema definition, select the Validate schema using Xerces check box.
Note:Integration Server automatically uses an internal schema parser to validate the XML Schema definition. However, the Xerces Java parser provides stricter validation than theIntegration Server internal schema parser. As a result, some schemas that the internal schema parser considers to be valid might be considered invalid by the Xerces Java parser.
11. Click Finish.
Designer generates the IS schema using the document you specified and displays it in the editor
*Integration Server uses the internal schema parser to validate an XML schema definition. If you selected the Validate schema using Xerces check box, Integration Server also uses the Xerces Java parser to validate the XML Schema definition. With either parser, if the XML Schema does not conform syntactically to the schema for XML Schemas defined in XML Schema Part 1: Structures (which is located at, Integration Server does not create an IS schema. Instead, Integration Server displays an error message that lists the number, title, location, and description of the validation errors within the XML Schema definition. If only warnings occur, Designer generates the IS schema.
Note:Integration Server uses Xerces Java parser version J-2.11.0. Limitations for this version are listed at
*When validating XML schema definitions, Integration Server uses the Perl5 regular expression compiler instead of the XML regular expression syntax defined by the World Wide Web Consortium for the XML Schema standard. As a result, in XML schema definitions consumed by Integration Server, the pattern constraining facet must use valid Perl regular expression syntax. If the supplied pattern does not use proper Perl regular expression syntax, Integration Server considers the pattern to be invalid.
If the watt.core.datatype.usejavaregex configuration parameter is set to true, Integration Server uses the Java regular expression compiler instead of the Perl5 regular expression compiler. When the parameter is true, the pattern constraining facet in XML schema definitions must use valid syntax as defined by the Java regular expression.
*Integration Server does not create IS schemas from an XML schema definition (XSD) if the XSD contains a type definition derived by extension and that type definition contains a direct or indirect reference to itself. If Integration Server encounters a type definition that contains a recursive extension while creating an IS schema from an XSD, Integration Server throws a StackOverflowError and does not continue creating the IS schema.
*You might receive errors or warnings when creating an IS schema from a DTD. If one or more errors occur, Designer does not generate an IS schema. If only warnings occur, Designer generates the IS schema.
*When creating an IS schema from an XML Schema definition that imports multiple schemas from the same target namespace, Integration Server throws Xerces validation errors indicating that the element declaration, attribute declaration, or type definition cannot be found. The Xerces Java parser honors the first <import> and ignores the others. To work around this issue, you can do one of the following:
*Combine the schemas from the same target namespace into a single XML Schema definition. Then change the XML schema definition to import the merged schema only.
*When creating the IS schema, clear the Validate schema using Xerces check box to disable schema validation by the Xerces Java parser. When generating the IS schema, Integration Server will not use the Xerces Java parser to validate the schemas associated with the XML Schema definition.