Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Properties | Web Service Descriptor Properties | Web Service Descriptor Operation Properties | Fault Element Properties
Fault Element Properties
In the Properties view, under General, you can view basic information about a fault element in an operation’s response.
Displays the name of the Fault element.
Document type
Displays the fully qualified name of the IS Document type defining the Fault element.
Addressing action
URI identifying the addressing action.
The value for Addressing action cannot contain spaces or new line characters.
When a WSDL is consumed for creating a consumer web service descriptor or a WSDL first provider web service descriptor and if the WSDL contains the addressing action attribute, Addressing action property will take the value of the addressing action attribute in WSDL.
In case of a provider web service descriptor, the action specified in the binder for output or fault will be the addressing action in the SOAP response or fault respectively. If no action is specified in the binder, addressing action for the SOAP response is generated at runtime based on the Default Action Pattern for WSDL 1.1. For more information about the structure of the default generated action, see
You cannot edit the addressing action in a consumer web service descriptor. You can edit the addressing action property for service first and WSDL first provider web service descriptors only if WS-Addressing is enabled by attaching an addressing policy to the web service descriptor.
If both addressing action property and SOAP Action attribute are provided, the URI of the SOAP Action must be the same as the one specified by the addressing action property. If the values for the SOAP Action and the addressing action property are different, Integration Server uses the SOAP Action value while generating the addressing action in the SOAP request.