Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Properties | Variable Properties | General Properties for Variables
General Properties for Variables
In the Properties view, under General, you can change the data type for a variable. You can also associate the variable with an XML namespace and specify input values and an input method.
Specifies the name of the variable. To change the name of a variable, rename it in the editor.
Specifies the data type of the variable.
XML namespace
Specifies the XML namespace to which the variable belongs.
Specifies a comment about the variable.
Model type
Specifies the content model for a document or document list variable. The content model provides a formal description of the structure and allowed content for a document.
The Model type property is display-only. To change the model type for a document or document list, modify the corresponding complex type definition in the XML schema definition, and recreate the document type that contains this document or document list.
The contents of a document or document list variable with a Model type property value other than “Unordered” cannot be modified.
The Model type property can have one of the following values:
At run time, all of the fields in the document must appear once or not at all, and in any order.
The all model type corresponds to an complex type definition that contains an all compositor in the model group.
One and only one of the fields in the document can appear.
The choice model type corresponds to an complex type definition that contains a choice compositor in the model group.
Fields in the instance document must appear in the same order in which they are declared in the document type.
The sequence model type corresponds to an complex type definition that contains a sequence compositor in the model group.
At run time, the document contains a single field that contains simple content and carries an attribute. The document field contains a @attributeName field for the attribute value and a *body field for the simple content.
At run time, fields in the document can appear in any order and any number of times.
An unordered data structure is sometimes referred to as a “bag” data structure.
String display type
Specifies how you want to enter input data for this variable. You can only select a display type if the variable is a String. Select one of the following:
Text Field
Enter the input in a text field.
Enter the input as a password, where asterisks indicate the input instead of characters.
Large Editor
Enter the input in a large text area instead of a text field. This is useful if you expect a large amount of text as input for the variable, or if you need to have TAB or new line characters in the input.
Pick List
Limit the input to a predefined list of values. These values appear as choices when Designer prompts for input at run time. Click the Pick list choices property’s Edit button to specify the list of values you want users to select from.
Pick list choices
Allows you to enter the list of values that users can select for this variable.
Document reference
For a document reference or document reference list, this property specifies the fully qualified name of the document type in the Package Navigator view that the variable references.
Substitution group
If the variable represents an element that is a member of a substitution group, identifies the head element for which this element can be substituted.