Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Properties | JMS Trigger Properties | General Properties for Non-Transacted JMS Triggers
General Properties for Non-Transacted JMS Triggers
In the Properties view, under General, you specify whether a JMS trigger is enabled, set the transaction type, specify the acknowledgement mode, expiration, and execution user credentials.
Name of the JMS trigger.
Specifies whether the JMS trigger is enabled or disabled.
Enable the JMS trigger
Disable the JMS trigger
If you disable a SOAP-JMS trigger that acts as a listener for one or more provider web service descriptors, Designer will not retrieve any messages for those web service descriptors.
Transaction type
Indicates whether or not the JMS trigger receives and processes messages as part of a transaction.
The JMS trigger does not receive and process message as part of a transaction.
The JMS trigger receives and processes messages as part of an XA transaction.
The JMS trigger receives and processes messages as part of a local transaction.
Note:Designer sets the transaction type value based on the transaction type specified for the JMS connection alias associated with the JMS trigger.
Acknowledgement mode
Indicates how the JMS trigger acknowledges messages it receives to the JMS provider.
Automatically acknowledge the message when it is received by the JMS trigger. The Integration Server will acknowledge the message before the trigger completes processing. The JMS provider cannot redeliver the message if Integration Server becomes unavailable before message processing completes.
Acknowledge or recover the message only after the JMS trigger processes the message completely.
This is the default.
Lazily acknowledge the delivery of messages. This may result in the delivery of duplicate messages.
Note:Designer displays the Acknowledgement mode property only if the value of the Transaction type property is NO TRANSACTION.
Join expires
Indicates whether the join expires after the time period specified in Expire after.
Indicates that Integration Server stops waiting for messages from the remaining destination in a join after the time specified in Expire after elapses.
Indicates that the join does not expire. That is, Integration Server waits indefinitely for messages from the remaining destinations in the join.
SOAP-JMS triggers do not use joins. Designer does not display the Join expires property for SOAP-JMS triggers.
Expire after
Specifies how long Integration Server waits for the remaining documents in the join. The default join time-out is 1 day.
SOAP-JMS triggers do not use joins. Designer does not display the Expire after property for SOAP-JMS triggers.
Specifies whether this element can be dragged from the CentraSite Registry Explorer view to a BPM process or CAF project.
When this property is set to public, you can drag the asset to a BPM process or CAF project.
When this property is set to private (the default), you cannot drag the asset to a BPM process or CAF project.
All published assets are available for Impact Analysis, whether they are public or private.
Although changing the public/private status will immediately change whether or not you can drag an element to a BPM process or CAF project, the element's status in CentraSite will not change until the next publication of assets to CentraSite.
Execution user
Specifies the name of the user account whose credentials Integration Server uses to execute a service associated with the JMS trigger. You can specify a locally defined user account or a user account defined in a central or external directory.