Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Properties | webMethods Messaging Trigger Properties | Transient Error Handling Properties
Transient Error Handling Properties
In the Properties view, under Transient error handling, you can specify how Integration Server responds when a trigger service ends because of a transient error.
Retry until
Specifies the maximum number of times that Integration Server will attempt to execute the trigger service if an ISRuntimeException occurs during the trigger service execution. An ISRuntimeException occurs when the trigger service catches a transient error, wraps the error, and re-throws it as an exception. (A transient error is an error that arises from a condition that might be resolved quickly, such as the unavailability of a resource due to network issues or failure to connect to a database.)
Max attempts reached
Indicate that Integration Server re-executes the trigger service up to the number of times specified in the Max attempts property. The server stops re-executing the trigger service when the service succeeds or when the server reaches the maximum number of retries.
Indicate that Integration Server re-executes the trigger service until the service executes to completion.
Max retry attempts
Specifies the maximum number of times the Integration Server should re-execute the trigger service if an ISRuntimeException occurs during service execution. The default is 0 attempts, which indicates that Integration Server does not retry the trigger service.
Retry interval
Specifies the length of time Integration Server waits between attempts to execute the trigger service. The default is 10 seconds.
On retry failure
Indicates how Integration Server handles a retry failure for a trigger. A retry failure occurs when Integration Server reaches the maximum number of retry attempts and the trigger service still fails because of an ISRuntimeException.
This property also determines how Integration Server handles a transient error that occurs during trigger preprocessing.
Throw exception
Indicate that Integration Server throws a service exception when the last allowed retry attempt ends because of an ISRuntimeException.
This is the default.
Suspend and retry later
Indicate that Integration Server suspends the trigger when the last allowed retry attempt ends because of a run-time exception. Integration Server retries the trigger service at a later time when the resources needed by the trigger service become available.
When On Retry failure is set to Suspend and retry later, a transient error that occurs during trigger preprocessing causes Integration Server to suspend the trigger and resume it when the resources, specifically the document history database, are available.
Resource monitoring service
Specifies the service that Integration Server executes to determine whether the resources needed by the trigger are available and if the trigger can be resumed. Integration Server schedules a system task to execute the resource monitoring service when one of the following occurs:
*The trigger service ends because of a retry failure and the On retry failure property is set to Suspend and retry later.
*The document resolver service used for exactly-once processing ends because of a run-time exception and the watt.server.trigger.preprocess.suspendAndRetryOnError is set to true.
A resource monitoring service must use the pub.trigger:resourceMonitoringSpec as the service signature.
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Trigger Queue Properties
Message Processing Properties
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