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Example of Code Commented for the jcode Utility
The following is a complete example of Java source code that includes jcode tags (comments) that the jcode utility requires.
package recording;
* This is an example of Java source code that includes jcode tags
* (comments) that the Integration Serverjcode utility requires. Note that, unless
* noted otherwise, when using the frag or fragall command of the
* jcode utility, the utility strips out all comments in the Java source
* file.
* == IMPORTS ==
* Wrap imports the START-IMPORTS and END-IMPORTS tags.
// --- <<IS-START-IMPORTS>> ---
import java.util.*;
// --- <<IS-END-IMPORTS>> ---
* This class contains the definition of all the Java services
* within the recording.accounts folder (note the declaration for the
* recording Java package at the top). Each service is defined by a
* method. The service will have the same name as the method name.
* /
public class accounts
/* *
* The createAccount service expects three parameters: a string
* ("name", a string array ("references"), and a document. The
* service returns two strings ("message" and "id") .
* Wrap the start and end of the service with the
* IS-START(<serviceName>)and IS-END tags, where <serviceName>
* is the method/service name.
* Note that the two lines immediately before start tag and after
* the end tags are mandatory.
* Also note the use of comments to establish a signature for the
* service. Each signature line has the following format:
* [direction] type:dimension:option name
* where:
* - direction: is "i" for input or "o" for output
* - type: is one of the following:
* "field" for instances of java.lang.String
* "document type" for instances of
* "object" for instances of any other class
* - option: is one of the following:
* "required" if the parameter is required
* "optional" if the parameter is optional
* - name: is the name of the parameter
* To indicate nesting, use a single "-" at the beginning of
* each line for each level of nesting.
* /
public static void createAccount (IData pipeline)
throws ServiceException
// --- <<IS-START(createAccount)>> ---
// [i] field:0:required name
// [i] field:1:required references
// [i] record:0:required data
// [i] - field:1:required address
// [i] - field:1:required phone
// [o] field:1:required message
// [o] field:1:required id
IDataCursor idc = pipeline.getCursor();
String name = IDataUtil.getString(idc, "name");
String [] refs = IDataUtil.getStringArray(idc, "references");
IData data = IDataUtil.getIData(idc, "data");
// Service logic that takes action on the input information
// goes here. Note that when you use the jcode utility to
// fragment the service, it does not strip comments inside
// the service body. As a result, the comments are
// preserved and will display if you use Designer
// to view the service.
idc.insertAfter ("message", "createAccount not fully implemented");
idc.insertAfter ("id", "00000000");
// --- <<IS-END>> -- -
return ;
/* *
* The getAccount service takes a single string "id", and returns
* a complex structure representing the account information.
* Note the use of the helper functions (defined below).
* /
public static void getAccount (IData pipeline)
throws ServiceException
// --- <<IS-START(getAccount)>> -- -
// [i] field:0:required id
// [o] record:1:required account
// [o] - field:0:required name
// [o] - field:1:required refs
// [o] - record:0:required contact
// [o] -- field:0:required address
// [o] -- field:0:required phone
IDataCursor idc = pipeline.getCursor();
String id = IDataUtil.getString(idc);
IData data = getAccountInformation(id);
idc.insertAfter ("account", data);
catch (Exception e)
throw new ServiceException(e.toString());
// --- <<IS-END>> -- -
/* *
* Wrap the start and end of the shared code with the
* IS-START-SHARED and IS-END-SHARED tags. The shared code includes
* both global data structures and non-public functions that are
* not exposed as services.
// --- <<IS-START-SHARED>> ---
private static Vector accounts = new Vector( );
private static IData getAccountInformation (String id) {
throw new RuntimeException ("this service is not implemented yet");
// --- <<IS-END-SHARED>> ---
Related Topics
Building Java Services in Your Own IDE
How Java Services are Organized on Integration Server
IData Object for Java Service Input and Output
Requirements for the Java Service Source Code
Adding Comments to Your Java Code for the jcode Utility
Using the jcode Utility
Using jcode frag/fragall to Split Java Source for Designer