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Flow Step Icons
A flow step is a basic unit of work (expressed in the webMethods flow language) that Integration Server interprets and executes at run time. The webMethods flow language provides flow steps that invoke services and flow steps that let you edit data in the pipeline.
The following table identifies the icon used for each flow step.
Executes a specified service.
Performs specified editing operations on the pipeline (such as mapping variables in the pipeline, adding variables to the pipeline, and dropping variables from the pipeline).
Executes a specified flow step based on the value of a specified variable in the pipeline.
Executes a set of flow steps once for each element in a specified array.
Re-executes a set of flow steps up to a specified number of times based on the successful or non-successful completion of the set.
Groups a set of flow steps into a series. The SEQUENCE step is implicit in most flow services (that is, the steps in a flow service are treated as a series). However, at times it is necessary to explicitly group a subset of flow steps using SEQUENCE so that they can be treated as a unit.
Controls the execution of a flow step (for example, abort an entire flow service from within a series of deeply nested steps, throw an exception without writing a Java service, or exit a LOOP or REPEAT without throwing an exception).
Executes a set of flow steps for which you want to provider failure handling and/or cleanup in a CATCH or FINALLY step.
Executes a set of flow steps that catch and handle a failure that occurred during execution of a TRY step. .
Executes a set of flow steps that typically perform some type of clean up after a TRY step or TRY and CATCH steps executes.