Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Subscribing to Events | About JMS Retrieval Failure Events
About JMS Retrieval Failure Events
By default, Integration Server generates JMS retrieval failure events when errors occur during message retrieval and JMS trigger processing. You can build event handlers that subscribe to and handle the JMS retrieval failure events.
A JMS retrieval failure event occurs in the following situations:
*A trigger service executed by a JMS trigger throws a non-transient error and the watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnException property is set to true (the default).
*A trigger service associated with a JMS trigger ends because of a transient error, all retry attempts have been made, and the JMS trigger is configured to throw an exception on retry failure. In addition, the watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnRetryFailure property is set to true (the default).
*The maximum delivery count from the JMS provider has been met for the message and the watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnRetryFailure property is set to true (the default).
The watt.server.jms.trigger.maxDeliveryCount property specifies the maximum number of times the JMS provider can deliver a message to Integration Server. The default is 100. In a JMS message, the property JMSXDeliveryCount specifies the number of times the JMS provider delivered the message. Most JMS providers set this value.
*While performing exactly-once processing, the connection to the document history database is unavailable, and transient error handling for the JMS trigger is configured to Throw exception (non-transacted JMS trigger) or Recover only (transacted JMS trigger). In addition, the watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnRetryFailure property is set to true (the default).
*While performing exactly-once processing, the document resolver service ends with an ISRuntimeException, and transient error handling for the JMS trigger is configured to Throw exception (non-transacted JMS trigger) or Recover only (transacted JMS trigger). In addition, the watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnRetryFailure property is set to true (the default).
*While performing exactly-once processing, the document resolver service ends with an exception other than an ISRuntimeException. In addition, the watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnRetryFailure property is set to true (the default).
A service that functions as an event handler for a JMS retrieval failure event should use the pub.event:jmsReceiveErrorEvent specification as its service signature. For more information about the pub.event:jmsReceiveErrorEvent specification, see the webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.
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