Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Working with Elements | Finding Dependents and References | What Is a Reference?
What Is a Reference?
To determine how a selected element uses other elements on the server, you can find references of the selected element. A reference is an element that is used by a selected element. For example, the flow service ServiceA invokes the services receivePO, pub.schema:validate, processPO and submitPO. Additionally, in its input signature, ServiceA declares a document reference to the IS document type PODocument. The services receivePO, validate, ProcessPO, and SubmitPO, and the IS document type PODocument, are used by ServiceA. The elements receivePO, validate, ProcessPO, SubmitPO, and PODocument are references of ServiceA.
Elements as references
During debugging of a complex flow service, you might want to locate all of the services, IS document types, and specifications used by the flow service. Use the Find References command to locate the references.
You can also use the Find References command to locate any unresolved references. An unresolved reference is an element that does not exist in the Package Navigator view yet is still referred to in the service, IS document type, or specification that you selected. The element might have been renamed, moved, or deleted. To prevent unresolved references, specify the dependency checking safeguards. For more information about these safeguards, see Configuring Dependency Checking for Elements.
Note:Designer does not consider document references to schema types to be references, nor does it consider services invoked within a Java service to be references of the Java service. For example, if Java service A invokes service B, and you instruct Designer to find references for service A, service B will not appear as a reference of A.