Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Creating Client Code | Building a Java Client | Generating Java Client Code
Generating Java Client Code
*To generate Java client code that invokes a service
1. Open the service for which you want to generate client code by double clicking it in the Package Navigator view.
2. Right click in the editor to view the context menu, and select Generate Code.
3. In the Code Generation window, select For calling this service from a client and click Next.
4. In the Language field, select Java, and then click Next.
5. Specify the directory where you want Designer to place the generated client code.
Either select an existing directory or type the path for a new directory. If you type the path for a new directory, Designer creates the directory.
6. Click Finish.
Designer generates the file that contains the Java client code ( and a Readme.txt file. To complete your client application, see the Readme.txt file located in the same directory as your client code.
If the client will connect to Integration Server using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), in addition to following the instructions in the Readme.txt file, you must ensure that the unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files (local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar) are installed as part of your JVM. If you are using the JVM that was installed with Integration Server, no further action is needed. If you are using a different JVM, obtain the files from the JDK provider.
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Building a Java Client
Limitations when Generating Java Client Code
Files that Designer Generates for a Java Client