Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Assigning and Managing Permissions for Elements | Troubleshooting ACL Usage
Troubleshooting ACL Usage
I receive a “Cannot perform operation without Write ACL privileges” message when I try to create an element.
You are not a member of the ACL assigned to the folder in which you want to save the element. To verify, check the Permissions specified in the Properties for elementName dialog box. If you had previously been able to save the element, the ACL settings may have changed on the server since you last saved it. For more information, see Troubleshooting section in Locking and Unlocking Elements.
I receive an “element already exists” message when I try to create an element.
There may be an element with the same name on the Integration Server, but you may not be able to see it because you do not have List access to it. Try a different element name, or contact your server administrator.
I can’t assign an ACL to an element.
Make sure that you have locked the element and that you are a member of the List, Read, or Write ACL that you want to assign. To verify, select the Integration Server and click File > Properties. In the Properties for serverName dialog box, select Server ACL Information. Integration Server. The Server ACL Information page lists the ACLs contained in the Integration Server to which you are connected. This information is read only; to edit ACLs, users, and groups, use the Integration Server Administrator.
I can’t see the source of a flow or Java service. However, I can see the input and output.
You do not have Read access to the service. Contact your server administrator to obtain access.
I receive an exception when I try to lock an element.
The element may be locked by someone else, system locked (marked read only on the server), or you may not have Write access. Refresh the Package Navigator view. If a lock is not shown but you still cannot lock the element, reload the package. In addition, make sure that you are a member of the ACL assigned for Write access to the element. To verify, select the element and click File > Properties. Select Permissions in the Properties for elementName dialog box.
I receive an error when I debug a service.
You must have a minimum of Read access to step through a service. If you don’t have Read access to the service when you are stepping through, or stepping into a service, you will receive an error message.
If you do have Read access to a service but you do not have Read access to a service it invokes, Designer “steps over” the invoked service but does not display an error message.
You must also have Read access to a service to set a breakpoint in the service or send an XML document to the service.
I receive an exception when I try to go to a referenced service from the pipeline.
You do not have List access to the referenced service. Contact your server administrator.
I receive a “Couldn’t find in Package Navigator view” message when I try to find a service in the Package Navigator view. However, I know it is on the Integration Server.
If you do not see the service listed in the Package Navigator view, you probably do not have List access to that service. Contact your server administrator.
I can’t copy and paste a Java service.
Check to make sure that you have Write access to all Java services in the folder into which you want to paste the service, as well as Write access to the folder itself.