Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Debugging Flow Services | Using the Server Log for Debugging
Using the Server Log for Debugging
Writing Information to the Server Log
Debugging Map Services
Integration Server maintains a log file that contains information about activity on the server. By default, Integration Server creates one server log per day. The server log file resides in the following location:
Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\logs
You can optionally redirect server log messages to the console rather than to a file by using the –log startup switch with a value of none. For more information about this switch, see information about starting Integration Server in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Content of the Server Log
The server log contains operational and error information that the server’s major subsystems write to the log. For example, the package subsystem logs information into server log when it loads and unloads packages; the flow manager records information in the log when it processes a flow service; the HTTP port records requests that it receives, and so forth.
Additionally, you can code your service to log information that is useful for debugging. For information, see Writing Information to the Server Log.
The server logs exceptions thrown by individual services, to the error log. For more information about using the error log, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Debug Level Defines What and How Much the Server Logs
To define the type and amount of information that the server logs, set the server’s debug level. The debug level settings range from Off, indicating you want the server to log nothing, to Trace, indicating that you want the server to maintain an extremely detailed log.
Use the Integration Server Administrator Settings > Logging > View Server Logger Details screen to set debug levels that Integration Server uses for each of its facilities. When debugging an issue, you can use this screen to increase the logging level for a specific Integration Server facility. For example, you might set the logging level for the Services facility to Trace.
When you have not defined a specific debug level for a facility, Integration Server uses a default debug level. You configure the default by setting the logging level for the Default facility on the Settings > Logging > View Server Logger Details screen. Integration Server also uses the Default facility setting as the value of the watt.debug.level server configuration parameter. If you do not define a default debug level, Integration Server uses Info, which means the server logs informational, warning, error, and fatal messages.
When you start the server, you can temporarily override the default debug level by specifying an alternative level on the startup command. This setting remains in effect until you shutdown and restart the server.
For more information about the available debug levels, setting the debug level, and configuring server logging, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Because debug levels above Info can produce lots of detail and can quickly generate an extremely large log file, do not run your server at the Debug or Trace levels except for brief periods when you are attempting to troubleshoot a particular issue.
Related Topics
Writing Information to the Server Log
Writing an Arbitrary Message to the Log
Dumping the Pipeline to the Log