Designer 10.5 | Cloudstreams Development Help | CloudStreams Provider Project | REST Connector | Creating a REST Resource
Creating a REST Resource
Once you have created a Resource Group, any number of resources can be created under this Resource Group. This screen allows you to create a REST resource.
*To create a REST resource
1. In the CloudStreams Development perspective, right-click on the Resource Group and then click New Resource.
The Create New Resource dialog box appears.
2. The Endpoint field displays the login endpoint URL to initiate communication with the SaaS provider and cannot be edited.
3. In the Name field, type a name for the REST resource using any combination of letters, numbers, and/or the underscore character.
4. In the Path field, type the path that you want to use for the resource. Each REST resource derives its path from the namespace of the REST resource. For example, if the REST resource is named myREST.myRESTResource, the path is “/myREST.myRESTResource”.
5. Select the Methods. Resources will be generated for the selected HTTP methods. Select All to create resources for all the HTTP methods.
6. Click Apply.
Software AG Designer creates the resource folder.
7. On the General pane, the Resolve references in the request/response body option is applicable only if you have already defined abstract objects. If selected, it means that the resource is of COMPLEX type and while creating the connector service, references will be resolved with the abstract object definition. Select Hide resource from end users if you do not want to display the resource to the connector user.