Designer 10.5 | webMethods Mobile Development | Code Snippets | Using Multipart Requests
Using Multipart Requests
The Request object for creating services in the Outline Editor supports multipart/form-data content types. A file upload is a typical use case for a multipart request.
The following snippet shows a sample implementation of an Agile Apps photo upload:
final Image img = getMyImage();
if (img != null) {
final UpdatePhotoRequest request = new UpdatePhotoRequest();

final StringBuffer xmlData = new StringBuffer();

// add two parts to the multipart request
// first part is XML to tell Agile Apps about the data being uploaded
// second part is the image data to be uploaded
request.addBytePart(xmlData.toString().getBytes(), "_xml_data_",
"application/xml", false);
request.addImageFilePart(img, "photo.png", "photo", "image/png", false);

As of Mobile Development 9.8, AbstractMultipartRestOperation is available, which extends AbtractRestOperation for full support of multipart requests. Adding the following parts is currently supported by AbstractMultipartRestOperation:
As of Mobile Development 9.8, only image/png content type is supported when using addImageFilePart(...). This converts the given javax.microedition.lcdui.Image data automatically to PNG data.
For more information, see the Javadoc for AbstractMultipartRestOperation.
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