Designer 10.5 | webMethods Mobile Development | Creating a Mobile Project | Defining Resources for a Mobile Project | Adding Graphical Assets | Using Graphical Assets
Using Graphical Assets
Configuring an Image Element to Use an Asset
When working with the Outline Editor, you can specify the name for an asset within the properties section of the Outline Editor for the following elements:
*Image: Image property,
*Tab: Image property,
*Navbutton: Icon property.
The entered value must be the file name of an asset including the .asset file extension.
Loading an Asset at Run Time
An asset can be loaded at run time using the method. Make sure to pass the file name including the .asset file extension. This method returns an instance of javax.microedition.lcdui.Image. By loading an asset, the run time implementation returns the corresponding asset for the target screen density, so that you do not need to scale the image at run time. For detailed information, refer to Using webMethods Mobile Designer.
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