Designer 10.5 | webMethods Mobile Development | Migrating Mobile Projects | Solving Compile Issues
Solving Compile Issues
After generating the source code, your application may show compile issues because of necessary API migration in Mobile Development. To solve them, locate the issues in your Java files and replace them as follows:
For this issue...
Use this replacement...
boolean AbstractViewController#setVisible(nUIObject, boolean)
void nUIObject#setVisible(boolean)
boolean AbstractViewController#isVisible(nUIObject)
boolean nUIObject#isVisible()
boolean AbstractViewController#forceHide(nUIObject)
void nUIObject#setVisible(boolean)
void onAlertDialogButtonPressed(final AbstractAlertDialog dialog, final int buttonId)
void onDialogButtonPressed(final AbstractDialog dialog, final int buttonId)
package name for AbstractAlertDialog:
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