Designer 10.5 | webMethods CAF and OpenUI Development | Working with Facelets | Embedding Portal Resources in a Page File
Embedding Portal Resources in a Page File
JSF Facelets enables you to use portal resources as template files that can be shared with page files. You do this by adding the <mws ui:resource> element to the .xhtml file representing the page at the location in the file.
The mws_ui:resource tag is part of the CAF JSF tag library. The tag inserts a portal resource into an .xhtml page.
For information about the mws_ui: tags available in the CAF tag library, see the mws_ui section of the VDLdoc pages in the webMethods CAF Tag Library Reference.
Example: Render the head shell section of the current shell.
<mws_ui:resource renderer="shell">
<f:attribute name="" value="head"/>
Example: Render a specific portlet (by name) from the head shell section of the current shell.
<mws_ui:resource uri='#{mwsShell.shellResource("head", "Global Links")}'
renderer="tabularasa" />
Example: Render a specific portlet (by alias).
<mws_ui:resource uri='' renderer="tabularasa" />
Example: Render the current resource with the default renderer.
<mws_ui:resource />
Example: Render some other resource (by alias) with a specific renderer.
<mws_ui:resource uri="folder.public" renderer="details"/>
For additional examples, see Example of Inserting a Form Into a Portlet.
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