Designer 10.5 | Cloudstreams Development Help | CloudStreams Provider Project | Creating a Connector
Creating a Connector
To create a new connector, right-click the Provider project and click New Rest Connector to create a REST connector or New SOAP Connector to create a SOAP connector. Complete the following fields in the Connector Details screen:
Enter a valid name for the connector. Only alphanumeric characters and “_” are valid for the connector name.
The ID will uniquely identify the connector in CloudStreams. Only alphanumeric characters, “_” and “.” are valid for the connector ID. Further, the connector ID should not have leading integers. For example, com.softwareag.7 is an invalid ID, but com.softwareag7 is a valid ID.
The Group field is optional. It is the group under which you would like to categorize this connector. If you specify a group, the connector will be added to that group, else the connector will be added to the group with the same name as the provider. To specify a group for the connector, type a group name in this field or select an existing group name from the drop-down list.
The group will also be visible in the Integration Server Administrator's Connector List (under Solutions > CloudStreams > Providers) if at least one connector is published.
File/URL (SOAP only)
This field appears only while creating a SOAP connector. Specify the SaaS provider's WSDL that CloudStreams will use to generate the document types by selecting either:
*File. Specify the WSDL file name, or click Browse and select the WSDL from your local file system.
*URL. Specify the URL of the WSDL.
Import Swagger specification file (REST only)
Select this option if you want to import a Swagger document. Swagger is an open specification for defining REST APIs. A Swagger document is the REST API equivalent of a WSDL document for a SOAP-based web service and specifies the list of resources that are available in the REST API. The Swagger document also specifies the list of parameters for the resource, including the name and type of the parameters, whether the parameters are required or optional, and information about acceptable values for those parameters. Additionally, the Swagger document can include JSON Schema that describes the structure of the request and response bodies. Swagger documents must be in either JSON format with a .json file extension, or YAML format with a .yaml or .yml file extension.
Click Browse, select the Swagger file, and then click Finish. The Provider Project, the Connector, and all Resources and dependent assets will be created.
Endpoint (REST only)
This field appears only while creating a REST connector. Type the endpoint URL to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. For example, for Twitter, the end point is To get the end point, go through the SaaS connector documentation available on the internet. For example, for Twitter, go to
Authentication (REST only)
This field appears only while creating a REST connector. Every back end provides its own authentication mechanism. Get the authentication details from the back end documentation. Select that authentication in the drop down. For example, for the Twitter connector, the authentication is OAuth V1.0a, which you can get from the Twitter documentation available at
For information on end point URL and supported authentication schemes, see the relevant SaaS provider documentation.
Click Next to select the connection configuration groups or click Finish to create the Connector. This step is optional. You can choose to select one or more of the available groups.
Configuration groups allow you to define configurations needed for the HTTP protocol and also define the HTTP request header contents. The Connection configuration group is selected by default and allows you to define the required connection configurations to initiate communication with the SaaS provider.
The Connection Configuration screen allows you to select the configuration groups. Configuration groups allow you to define configurations needed for the HTTP Protocol that the connection will use to connect to the SaaS provider and also define the HTTP Request Header contents that will be used while making a request to a SaaS provider. The Connection configuration group is selected by default.
Click Finish. The new connector is added to your Provider project.
If you are creating a SOAP connector, the WSDL is parsed and all artifacts such as operations and document types are created in the provider package.
Double-click the Provider Project to view the Overview - Project Information screen, which describes the project information, for example, the project name, the target runtime, project version, and the publisher of the project. The Target Runtime displays the default API level supported by the server. The project is built on the default API level. The Connectors section provides information on all the connectors created. The screen also displays the Project Dependencies and the Start/Shutdown Services information.