Designer 10.5 | Cloudstreams Development Help | CloudStreams Governance Project | Virtual Services (SOAP) | Attach WSDL Dialog Box (SOAP Virtual Service)
Attach WSDL Dialog Box (SOAP Virtual Service)
Use this option to attach a WSDL to an existing virtual service. The new attached WSDL will override the old WSDL. In the dialog box that appears, specify one of the following options and click OK:
*URL: Specify the URL of the WSDL to attach.
*File: Click Browse to select a WSDL from your local file system.
If the new WSDL contains referenced XSDs or WSDL, they will be copied if they are resolved by CloudStreams. But if the referenced XSDs or WSDL cannot be resolved, a dialog box will prompt you whether to import the unresolved XSDs or WSDL.
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