Designer 10.5 | Cloudstreams Development Help | CloudStreams Governance Project | CloudStreams Servers Dialog Boxes | CloudStreams Servers Dialog Box
CloudStreams Servers Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to add or remove CloudStreams servers to the target list, edit their configuration, import/export target instances, and test the server connections.
To open the CloudStreams Servers dialog box:
1. Open Designer and display the CloudStreams Development perspective by clicking Window > Open Perspective > Other > CloudStreams Development.
2. Select Window > Preferences from the menu.
3. Expand the Software AG folder and click CloudStreams Servers.
4. In the CloudStreams Servers window, click Add.
Complete the following fields in the Add CloudStreams Server dialog box as follows and click OK:
A name for the new target. Target names can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (_) and hyphens (-).
The server's host name (for example, localhost).
The server's port number.
Optional. The Integration Server user who is permitted to deploy assets to this target. By default, only a member of the Integration Server's Administrator group is permitted to deploy assets to this target.
Optional. The password of the Integration Server user who is permitted to deploy assets to this target. By default, the password of this user is manage.
Secure Connection
Indicates whether the session will be opened through HTTP or HTTPS. If you want to open an HTTPS session on the selected server using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), select this check box. If you select this option, it is critical that you also specify the IS Truststore Name option for CloudStreams (in Integration Server Administrator go to Solutions > CloudStreams > Administration > General. Alternatively, if you want to open an HTTP session on the server, clear this check box.
Use this button to import target instances from an archive file into the same Integration Server or to another instance of the server.
Use this button to export target instances from the Integration Server to an archive file on the file system.
Use this button to display the Add CloudStreams Servers dialog box, to add a server to the list.
Use this button to edit any parameter.
Use this button to remove the server from the list.
Use this button to test the target's connection to the CloudStreams server. If the connection is not active and valid, activate the deployment endpoint and modify the user credentials as required.