Designer 10.15 | webMethods BPM Task Development Help | Working with Task Expressions | About Filter Expressions
About Filter Expressions
Two of the available filter actions contain hidden expressions that filter certain tasks from the task inbox of a user, group, or role. For reference, the following expressions are used:
*For the Filter Inbox - Accepted Tasks action:
(isEmpty #{currentTask.taskInfo.acceptedByList}) ||
(#{currentTask.taskInfo.acceptedByList} contains #{currentUser.principalID})
This condition allows a user to see only tasks that have not yet been accepted, or tasks accepted by the user. This effectively filters out tasks accepted by other users.
*For the Filter Inbox - User Activity action:
(#{fieldExpr} doesNotContain #{currentUser.principalID} && #{fieldExpr}
doesNotContain #{currentUser.principalURI} && #{fieldExpr}
doesNotContain #{currentUser.principalDN})
This condition filters out tasks that the current user has already worked on. It requires you to select a custom business data field or service that returns a list of the users that have worked on the task. You must also configure the custom field or service to be updated by the Task Details portlet or by another event action.
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