Designer 10.11 | webMethods BPM Process Development Help | Process Engine Processing | About Looping
About Looping
About Standard Looping
About Transition Looping
Looping is a common implementation in business process models. The following types of looping are supported:
*Standard looping. In this case, looping is applied to a single subprocess step or call activity step. To implement standard looping, you define a loop expression for the step on the Loop page in the Properties view for the step. As long as the conditions defined in this loop expression are met, the step will loop back to its input upon completion. For more information, see About Standard Looping.
*Transition looping. In BPMN, this is referred to as sequence flow looping. In this case, you define a transition from any step’s output to the input of a step earlier in the process flow, or back to the input of the step itself. For more information, see About Transition Looping.
Looping behavior differs somewhat between webMethods subprocess and BPMN subprocesses. For more information, see About Subprocess Types and About Changing webMethods Subprocesses to BPMN Subprocesses.
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