Designer 10.11 | webMethods Service Development Help | Performing Data Validation | Performing Validation from within a Java Service
Performing Validation from within a Java Service
You can use built-in services pub.schema:validate and pub.schema:validatePipeline to perform validation from within a Java service. In the following example, the pub.schema:validate service is used to validate the results of the pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument service against a specification for an OAG purchase order.
IData validInput;
IData dtrResult;
// initialize the folder and document type name to point to a document
// type that exists on the server
String ifc = "OAG.PO"
String rec = "purchaseOrder"
// put the result from the xmlNodeToDocument service (i.e, the object to
// be validated) into the key named <object>
IDataCursor validCursor = validInput.getCursor();
IDataCursor dtrCursor = drtResult.getCursor();
if (dtrCursor.first("boundNode")) {
// assumption here that there's data at the current cursor position
validCursor.insertAfter( "object", dtrCursor.getValue() );
// set <conformsTo> parameter to point to the document type to validate
// against this document type must exist on the server.
validCursor.insertAfter( "conformsTo", ifc+":"+rec );
// set the <maxErrors> parameter to the number of allowed validation
// errors
validCursor.insertAfter( "maxErrors", "1000" );

// invoke pub.schema.validate to validate contents of <object>
IData validResult = context.invoke("pub.schema", "validate", validInput);

// check <isValid> to see whether <object> is valid and process
// accordingly
IDataCursor validCursor = validResult.getCursor();
if (IDataUtil.getString(validCursor).equals("false"))
IData [] vr = IDataUtil.getIDataArray(validCursor, "errors");
System.out.println ( vr.length+" ERROR(s) found with example");
for (int j=0; j < vr.length; j++ )
System.out.println( vr[j].toString() );
. . .
For additional information about pub.schema:validate and pub.schema:validatePipeline, see the Schema services in the webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.
Related Topics
Performing Data Validation
Blueprints or Models Against which Data is Validated
Performing Input/Output Validation
Performing Pipeline Validation
Performing Document Validation
Performing XML Validation in Integration Server
Validation Errors
Validation Exceptions