Designer 10.11 | webMethods Service Development Help | Working with gRPC Descriptors | Guidelines for Working with gRPC Descriptors and Associated Elements
Guidelines for Working with gRPC Descriptors and Associated Elements
Creating a gRPC descriptor results in a collection of IS elements that correspond to portions of the gRPC service definition or the proto file that contains the definition. Due to the ways in which the elements interact there are limitations on the uses and manipulation of the elements, specifically:
*Do not rename, move, or copy and paste the gRPC descriptor or any of its related elements. Moving or renaming the generated folders, gRPC method flow services, and gRPC document types breaks the gRPC descriptor implementation.
*When you create a gRPC descriptor, Integration Server establishes a package dependency on the WmGRPC package for the package that contains the gRPC descriptor. Do not remove this package dependency while the package contains gRPC descriptors.
*Do not use the gRPC document type as publishable document type.
*The content and structure of the gRPC document types cannot be modified.
gRPC method flow services have additional guidelines regarding editing. For more information, see Editing a gRPC Method Flow Service.