Designer 10.11 | webMethods Service Development Help | Working with Publishable Document Types | About Synchronizing Publishable Document Types | Synchronization Status
Synchronization Status
Each publishable document type on your Integration Server has a synchronization status to indicate whether it is in sync with the provider definition, out of sync with the provider definition, or not associated with a provider definition. Integration Server updates the status for a publishable document type when:
*You make and save changes to the publishable document type, such as changing property values or the contents of the publishable document type.
*You synchronize the publishable document type with the provider.
*You create the document type.
*For publishable document types associated with Broker document types, Integration Server also updates the synchronization status when another Integration Server pushes a change to the publishable document type to the Broker.
For publishable document types associated with a provider definition on Universal Messaging, the synchronization status only indicates if there have been local changes to the publishable document type since it was last synchronized with Universal Messaging. If changes have been made locally, the status is "Updated Locally". If no changes have been made locally, the status is "In Sync with Provider". The "Created Locally" status is the only other synchronization status that applies for publishable documents used with Universal Messaging. The remaining synchronization statuses do not apply because Integration Server does not communicate with Universal Messaging regarding the status of the document type outside of the synchronization process.
The following table identifies each possible synchronization status for a publishable document type.
Updated Locally*
The publishable document type has been modified on Integration Server.
Updated on the Provider*
The publishable document type has been modified on the messaging provider.
Updated Both Locally and on the Provider*
The publishable document type and the provider definition have both been modified since the last synchronization. You must decide which definition is the required one and push to or pull from the Broker accordingly. Information in one or the other document type is overwritten.
Created Locally
The publishable document type was made publishable when the messaging provider was not connected or the publishable document type was loaded on Integration Server via package replication. An associated provider definition may or may not exist on the messaging provider.
If the messaging provider is Broker and an associated provider definition exists on the Broker, synchronize the document types by pulling from the Broker.
If an associated provider definition does not exist on the messaging provider or the messaging provider is Universal Messaging, create (and synchronize) the provider definition by pushing to the provider.
Removed from Provider*
The provider definition associated with the publishable document type was removed from the messaging provider.
If you want to recreate the provider definition, push the publishable document type to the provider.
If you want to delete the publishable document type on Integration Server and the messaging provider is Broker, pull from the provider.
If you want to delete the publishable document type on Integration Server and the messaging provider is Universal Messaging, delete the publishable document type manually. For more information about deleting a publishable document type, see Deleting Publishable Document Types.
In Sync with Provider
The IS document type and the provider definition are already synchronized. No action is required.
This status may not be correct for a publishable document type associated with a provider definition on Universal Messaging because the "In Sync with Provider" status merely indicates that no changes have been made to the publishable document type locally since the last synchronization with Universal Messaging. If changes were made to the provider definition on Universal Messaging either using Universal Messaging or by another Integration Server pushing changes to Universal Messaging, the publishable document type status remains "In Sync with Provider."
* Indicates that the status applies to publishable document types associated with a Broker connection alias only. The status is not used with publishable document types associated with a Universal Messaging connection alias.
When you switch the Broker configured for the Integration Server to a Broker in a different territory, the Integration Server displays the synchronization status as it was before the switch. This synchronization status may be inaccurate because it does not apply to elements that exist on the second Broker.