Running the Build Script
After you have set the properties in the file, you can run the build script from the Software AG_directory \common\AssetBuildEnvironment\bin directory.
To build composites and descriptors:
For this platform... | Run the following command... |
Windows | build.bat |
UNIX | |
The build script places the composites and descriptor in the location you specified in the build.output.dir property in the file.
To build and upload the composites and descriptors to a remote Git repository:
For this platform... | Run the following command... |
Windows | build.bat buildUploadAssets |
UNIX | buildUploadAssets |
Note that buildUploadAssets supports both HTTPS and SSH. When configuring the Git properties in the file, based on the protocol used to connect to Git, you must specify:
For HTTPS - the username and password of a user account that can access the Git repository over HTTPS.
For SSH - values for the
<privateKeyPassword>, and
<pathToKnownHosts> properties.