webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Error Handling and Logging
Error Handling and Logging
Project Automator produces a log file (ProjectAutomatorReport.xml) that is controlled by a log4j property file stored in the Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/packages/WmDeployer/bin directory. You can change the properties.

<Messages type="info">

</Messages type="info">

<Messages type="error">

<message category="category" errorCode="code" deploymentSet="set name"
">message text</message>

</Messages type="error">

Example of an error message:
category="projectError" errorCode="-41" deploymentSet="myDeploymentSet"

deploymentProject="TestProject">Error adding ACLs TestACL1, TestACL2
Deployment Set for project TestProject</message>
For error messages, you can write a program to parse the attribute values and take specified actions.

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