webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Mapping a Project | Exporting and Importing Substitute Configuration Values
Exporting and Importing Substitute Configuration Values
You can export and import substitute configuration values for both runtime-based and repository-based deployment projects.
* To export and import substitute configuration values
1. Export the substitute configuration values from a deployment map as follows:
a. In the source Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects > project > Map page.
b. Click the deployment map that contains the substitute configuration values to export. Deployer displays the deployment map properties in the right-hand pane.
c. Click Export Variable Substitution. Deployer creates a file that contains the substitute configuration values for the assets in the project. The file is named project_map.vs and is stored in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\ replicate\outbound directory. Deployer also allows you to save the file to your local file system.
d. If you exported substitute configuration values for scheduled tasks, open the project_map.vs file in an XML editor and set the task ID for each scheduled task to the task ID used on the target Integration Server.
2. Import the substitute configuration values into a deployment map as follows:
a. Copy the project_map.vs file to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\ WmDeployer\replicate\inbound directory on the machine that hosts the target Deployer.
b. In the target Deployer, go to the Projects > project > Map page.
c. Click the deployment map into which to import the substitute configuration values. Deployer displays the deployment map properties in the right-hand pane.
d. Click Import Variable Substitution.
e. Select the project_map.vs file you just copied to the inbound directory.
If you receive the error message "Input XML map information is not valid" while importing a variable substitution .vs file, open the file and do the following:
a. Ensure that the project contains all deployment sets specified on the DeploymentSet nodes.
b. For DeploymentSet nodes, ensure that the PluginGroup value is set to either true or false, and the PluginType value is correct.
c. Ensure that each DeploymentSet node is mapped to the correct TargetSystem name as specified in the exported project_map.vs file
d. Try to import again.

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