webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying Optimize Assets | Optimize Deployment Usage Notes | Potential Problems | Removing Assets from a Deployment Set
Removing Assets from a Deployment Set
If you decide that you no longer need an asset that has been previously deployed, you cannot simply remove the asset from your previously deployed deployment set and re-deploy it. If you do so, the existing asset on the target Analytic Engine (which is no longer in the deployment set) will prevent the removal of any assets it depends on.
To address this, you must first remove all assets from the target Analytic Engine that are depended on by the asset you want to remove from your deployment set. To do so:
1. Set up your target host as a source and create a new project with a deployment set containing all the assets you want to remove.
2. Set up your target host as a target again and map the deployment set created in step 1 to it.
Note: For example, you might have two Optimize servers configured with different names and the same host and port.
3. After you create a deployment candidate, click Create Checkpoint to activate the Rollback button.
4. Click Rollback to remove all assets in the deployment set created in step 1 from the target Analytic Engine.
After all depended-on assets are removed, you can deploy the modified deployment set from your original source.

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