webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying a Project | Preparing Integration Server to Stream Large Repository-Based Projects
Preparing Integration Server to Stream Large Repository-Based Projects
Note: For information about streaming large runtime-based projects, see the description of the Large File Support option in Setting General Deployment Defaults.
If you choose to stream repository-based projects from Deployer to the target server, you must set certain server configuration settings on every target Integration Server hosting the runtime and Deployer. The build size of a project containing Integration Server packages and webMethods files can be up to 4GB.
You can stream assets from Deployer to target servers for the following runtime types:
*Integration Server
*Trading Networks
*BPM process models
*Event Server
Note: Deployer supports deployment of assets to Event Servers of version 9.5 or earlier only.
* To set server configuration parameters
1. For every target Integration Server hosting the runtime type and Deployer, open the Integration Server Administrator and go to the Settings > Extended > Edit Extended Settings page.
2. Type the following server configuration parameters and values in the box. For complete information about these server configuration parameters, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
3. Click Save Changes and restart Integration Server.

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