webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Defining a Deletion Set | Identifying Servers | Identifying Servers for a Repository-Based Deletion Set
Identifying Servers for a Repository-Based Deletion Set
Perform the following procedure to identify the servers for a repository-based project.
* To identify servers for a repository-based project
1. On the Deployer > Projects > project > Define page, in the left-hand pane in the Name column of the Deletion Sets Repository area, click the deletion set for which to identify servers.
2. In the deletion_set > Select Server area in the right-hand pane, select the runtime type of the server to include in the deletion set from the Select Server Type list.
Deployer displays a list of all servers of the specified type that are set up to work with your system.
3. Select the check box next to each target server that contains assets to add to the deletion set.
4. Click Add.
Deployer displays the server you added to Deletion Sets area in the left-hand pane.
5. Perform the tasks in Adding Assets to a Deletion Set to add assets to the deletion set.

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