webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Defining a Deletion Set | About Deletion Sets
About Deletion Sets
You use deletion sets to identify those assets you want to delete from the target server during deployment. When you deploy the project, Deployer deletes the assets defined in the deletion set from the target server and then deploys assets defined for the deployment set from the source server to the target server.
Keep the following points in mind when working with deletion sets:
*Deployer supports deletion sets for both runtime and repository-based projects.
*If Deployer does not display a server you want to use as a target, you have not yet set it up to work with Deployer. For more information about defining target servers, see Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers.
*For runtime-based deployment, Deployer supports deletion sets for Broker, Integration Server, and Trading Networks assets only. For repository-based deployment, Deployer supports deletion sets for all runtimes.
Defining deletion sets involves the following stages:
Stage 1
Create a deletion set. See Creating a Deletion Set.
Stage 2
Identify target servers from which to delete the assets. See Identifying Servers.
Stage 3
Add the assets to the deletion set. See Adding Assets to a Deletion Set.
Stage 4
For repository-based deployment sets only, resolve dependencies. See Resolving Dependencies in Repository-Based Deletion Sets.
Stage 5
For runtime-based projects, you can export deletion set definitions from one project and import them into another. See Exporting and Importing Deletion Set Definitions.

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