webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Creating and Managing Projects | Enabling or Disabling Deployer GUI Audit Logging
Enabling or Disabling Deployer GUI Audit Logging
Under the Audit Logging Settings area on the Settings page, specify whether to enable or disable audit logging for user actions taken through the Deployer GUI.
To view the audit log, from the Integration Server Administrator go to the Logs > Audit page. The following table describes the columns in the audit log.
Time Stamp
Date and time the entry was written to the log.
Request Type
Type of action Deployer performed (for example, Create, Build, or Deploy).
Message that describes the action.
Outcome of the action (for example, Success or Failed).
User Id
User name under which Deployer performed the action.
Details about the server. See Type, Alias, and Host IP:Port.
Type of server on which the action was performed; can include the Integration Server that hosts Deployer and source and target servers.
Name assigned to the server in Deployer (see Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers).
Host IP:Port
IP address and port for the server on which the action was performed.
Thread ID
Unique identification for each Deployer action. If an action fails, the thread ID helps you identify the failed action through the Audit Log page in Deployer. Using this, the user can identify the failed activity.
To change this display, use the Log display controls area at the top of the page and then click Refresh. The changes remain until you change them again, or until you shut down the Integration Server that hosts Deployer, whichever comes first.

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