webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Concepts | webMethods Deployer
webMethods Deployer
webMethods Deployer is a tool you use to deploy user-created assets that reside on source webMethods runtimes or repositories to target webMethods runtime components (runtimes). For example, you might want to deploy assets you have developed on servers in a development environment (the source) to servers in a test or production environment (the target).
Note: This documentation refers to Integration Server as the host server for Deployer, and as a runtime from which you can deploy assets using Deployer. You can also use Microservices Runtime as the host server, and as a runtime from which you can deploy assets.
Note: You can deploy user-created assets using Deployer. You cannot deploy webMethods components that have been installed by the Software AG Installer as part of a product. For example, you can deploy Integration Server packages that have been created by users, but you cannot deploy Integration Server packages that were installed, such as WmPRT. If you want such components to reside on target runtimes, you must install them using the Software AG Installer.
Deployer supports two scenarios for deploying assets:
*In a runtime-based deployment scenario, Deployer deploys assets from webMethods runtimes to which Deployer is connected.
*In a repository-based deployment scenario, Deployer deploys assets built from sources in a development environment or VCS and stored in a repository.
Note: webMethods Deployer is in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and does not store, collect, or process any personally identifiable information.

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