webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Using Deployer Commands | Error Handling and Logging
Error Handling and Logging
Deployer logs errors that occur during command line operations in the Deployer command line log file. The log file is named CLI.log and is located in a directory inside the current working directory. For example, if your working directory is Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer, CLI.log is located in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\logs directory.
Typical command line errors include required options that were not specified and invalid parameter values. Execution errors can include connectivity and authentication errors.
The maximum size for the CLI.log file is 100 KB. When it reaches the maximum size, it archives the log by renaming the file CLI.log.old and creating a new CLI.log file.

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