webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Using Deployer Commands | Deployment Commands | Deploying
When you run this command, Deployer deploys the assets in the candidate's project build to the target servers in the candidate's deployment map. In addition, Deployer generates a deployment report. Display the deployment report as instructed in Displaying a Simulation, Rollback, or Deployment Report.
Run the following command to deploy a deployment candidate:
Deployer.{sh|bat} --deploy -dc deployment_candidate -project project
-host host -port port -user user_name -pwd password -force
-reportFilePath report_path
-dc deployment_candidate
Deployment candidate to deploy.
-project project
Project to which the deployment candidate belongs.
If no checkpoint exists for the deployment candidate (for example, because you chose to generate checkpoints manually, but did not do so), Deployer will not deploy unless you specify this parameter.
Note: If you deploy without a checkpoint, you will not be able to roll back target servers.
-reportFilePath report_path
Full path to the local directory where Deployer stores the generated deployment report.

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