webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Using Deployer Commands | Deployment Commands | Simulating a Deployment
Simulating a Deployment
When you run this command and simulate a deployment, Deployer generates a simulation report. Display the simulation report as instructed in Displaying a Simulation, Rollback, or Deployment Report and address all problems.
Note: If you do not address all problems at this time, you will probably experience errors during deployment.
Run the following command to simulate a deployment:
Deployer.{sh|bat} --simulate -dc deployment_candidate -project project
-host host -port port -user user_name -pwd password -reportFilePath report_path
-dc deployment_candidate
Deployment candidate for which to simulate a deployment.
-project project
Project to which the deployment candidate belongs.
-reportFilePath report_path
Full path to the local directory where Deployer stores the generated simulation report.

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