webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Using Deployer Commands | General and Project Commands | Exporting Deletion Sets from a Project
Exporting Deletion Sets from a Project
When you run the --export command, Deployer creates a file that contains the definitions. The file is named project_deleteSets.xml and is stored in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\replicate\outbound directory.
Run the following command to export a deletion set:
Note: You must have Define ACL authorization to run this command.
Deployer.[sh|bat] --export -deleteSpec -project project
-overwrite -host host -port port -user user_name -pwd password    
-project project
Project whose deletion set definitions to export.
If the project already contains a file with the same name, this option tells Deployer to overwrite it. If you do not overwrite, and a file with the same name exists, Deployer issues an error and ends the command.

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