webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Command Central Composite Assets | Building Command Central Composite Assets
Building Command Central Composite Assets
To run the build script to generate the Command Central composite assets from the source configuration assets (YAML templates), in a command line console, go to:
*<root_path>/bin and run the build script
*<root_path>/master_build and run ant
*<root_path>/CC and run ant build.composites
The output of the script is an ACDL descriptor file and a composite file for each template in the source directory.
The ACDL file is named <template_alias>.acdl, where <template_alias> is the alias of the template included in the composite file. The ACDL file lists:
*The ID of the product(s) on which to apply the configuration properties from the template YAML file included in the composite file.
*The configuration properties defined in the environments: section of the template YAML file.
The composite file is named <template_alias>.zip, where <template_alias> is the alias in the template YAML file. The .zip composite file contains either a single template YAML file or all files in a <template_alias> subdirectory, that is, the template YAML file and any files to which the template refers, such as the license key or SSH key files.

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